Mine hunde










Chihuahuaspecial`s Gizmo

Fřdt: 12/2-2006




Far: Tinypaw`s freedom foe all








Mor: Chantel                                      


Farfar: Cam`s Wanna be a cowboy




Farmor: Tinypaw`s Skittles




Morfar: Guichon`s midnite talker           




Mormor: Bequita`s pallina                 

Oldefar: Stonehill all the gall


Oldemor: Cam`s lady ashley


Oldefar: Tinypaw`s super sonic


Oldemor: Tinypaw`s peanut butter cup


Oldefar: Guichon`s marco polo


Oldemor: Starjack`s starstruck


Oldefar: Bonny-bell bagheera


Oldemor: Bio-bios solitaire









Chihuahuaspecial`s Jojo    

Fřdt: 29/10-2007




Far: Tinypaw`s freedom for all           








Mor: Chihuahuaspecial`s Malou


Farfar: Wanna be a cowboy                   



Farmor: Tinypaw`s skittles




Morfar: Guichon`s Midnite Talker




Mormor: Birkedals bjanka

Oldefar: Stonehill of all the gall


Oldemor: Cam`s lady ashley


Oldefar: Tinypaw`s super sonic


Oldemor: Tinypaw`s peanut butter cup


Olderfar: Guichon`s marco polo


Oldemor: Starjack`s starstruck


Oldefar: Minimo perro`s pi


Oldemor: Birkedals anni










Óhegyi de lux Magic   




Far: Nino Anitram                    








Mor: Egergyöngye Náni


Farfar: Porto Lumarko




Farmor: Dila Kolibris




Morfar:Egergyöngye Pirinyó




Mormor: Istenmezei Acsarkodó Emi

Oldefar: Danett Ayky Cs


Oldemor: Iliana Lumarko Cs


Oldefar: Brikis Astrovan


Oldemor: Bea Rozmaringes


Oldefar:Gyémántvirág-Réti Dodó


Oldemor:Egergyöngye Andrea


Oldefar: Egergyöngye Öcsike


Oldemor: Hatvani Hétvezér Ady



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